Environmentally Conscious Industrial Cleaners

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Recognizing the Heroes of Clean

Good Afternoon,

As our industry celebrates National Cleaning Week, Caden Hutchens, CleanTelligent’s president, would like to offer these words of gratitude and share our promise to help and support your cleaning efforts as we continue to fight COVID-19 together:
We understand that time is short right now due to increased cleaning demands, but as you continue to share pictures of your frontline cleaners battling COVID-19 on social media, we invite you to include the hashtag #HeroesOfClean in your post. We believe these pictures will reassure your community. After all, each picture shows them how your team is actively winning back the neighborhood. Additionally, the images will help your frontline cleaners receive the recognition they deserve.  Remember that the CleanTelligent Family is here to assist your cleaning efforts any way we can. Thanks again for all your hard work,

The CleanTelligent Team

Federal Coronavirus Legislative Response Summary

On March 27, the United States Congress passed a 3rd economic stimulus bill, the $2 trillion “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act”. President Trump has promised to swiftly sign the measure into law.

The legislation includes a package of tax relief provisions, corporate and small business loan programs, and a taxpayer rebate program.  The bill provides funding to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the expedited review of chemicals that are effective against the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.  In addition, the bill extends the Department of Homeland Security’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program through July 23, 2020.  The bill also includes a host of funding for federal agencies and programs. Finally, the bill provides an additional $600 per week for those receiving unemployment benefits.

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